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»From time to time«

in: »Clay Matters«, Catalog PXL-MAD School of Arts,Hasselt

»From time to time: ceramics as time-based media«

»Earth is a container for time. lt is nature and culture simultaneously: (hier fehlt die 2).« (oder nicht?) The primordial soup, nu­tritional soil, cultural materials, medium. Today’s situation  – as far as one can see and touch it  – is above all technically configured. Slowly are we beginning to realise that the means to our ends develop effects which cannot be contemplated beforehand and that we thus have to learn to present our knowledge as a moment of action. We have to learn to distrust the simple ends – means chain in our progno­ses. As Sennett suggests, we are talking about working methods or, negatively, the values of uselessness. »And we must not be afraid« says the exhibitor Harald Szeemann, »to do everything ourselves, from vision to nail. This means that we have to invest time, the whole being only a question of the time invested. Since subjective will one day become objective.« The factor of time in its perception and processing represents IMHO the most important co-ordinate ever in the creation of contemporary art.


26. November 2017


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