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»Most | Jetzt«

Presented as part of the joint exhibition hosted by the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany, and the University of Pécs in Hungary at the FISKE Gallery in Budapest on 8th May 2017. A collection of pieces produced during a period of creative work at the International Kodály Society in Kecskemét, Hungary, in autumn 2016.

Opening: 8th May 2017, 6:00 pm
Pictures: Kerstin Abraham (1), Dorothea Bruebach (1), Merlin Laumert (3), Songei Lee (1)
Large front-page picture: Dorothee Brübach
Design: Denken & Handeln | Fine Heininger
Print: Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany